Blog #7


  • A paragraph about teacher pages on a school website. Some schools require teachers to maintain a set of class pages on the school website. Visit a school website and look at a few class pages. Write a paragraph about what kinds of information you see publicly (students and parents likely have access to the information you will not see without log-in privileges). Include a link to the site. 
    • I looked at my old high school's school page, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic I do not remember ever using it aside from wanting to know what my teachers the next semester would look like. The website is very easy to navigate with basic information on the school and some outdated photos. The actual teacher pages rang from detailed and updated to very outdated COVID-19 class resources. Some teachers treat this as a get to know me or upload their syllabus on it. 
  • A paragraph about how you envision yourself using technology to accomplish your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. What specific teacher productivity tools will you use?
    • I plan to use a class website as I feel it is much better than an old fashioned paper newsletter, the child could lose it and/or not give it to the parent. I feel like this piece of technology would also be useful for uploading class materials in case the school I am in does not use Canvas. Another piece of technology I will be utilizing will be the students phones provided they behave and do not abuse it. This will allow me to give students things like Kahoot which seems to go well in most classes. 
  • A paragraph about your experience working on Assignment 2 using Canvas group. What did you like/dislike about the Canvas group tool? If you want to recommend a different tool, what would that be?
    • Overall working on the Assignment was not overly difficult. The Canva group tool is just very restrictive in terms of creativity and use, there was a very slim margin of what we could do in terms of customization. I'm not sure what else could be used that would allow everyone else to actively collaborate on a website. I did like that everything was very streamlined and easy to figure out. 


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