Blog #3


  • A paragraph about copyright and fair use. How would you deal with these concepts as a teacher, developing your own instructional materials, and having students create their own works? Have you learned anything new about it? Are there any lingering questions, concerns, or ideas? Feel free to share your reflection.

    • Copyright and fair use is not a common issue for teachers in my personal opinion, unless they are trying to do worksheets or a premade powerpoint. It could be that I do not have much experience in that matter but I have not heard my teachers struggling with copyright issues. As a teacher I would try to work in a school that has plenty of resources for me and my students so I hopefully do not have to worry about copyright and fair use. I would love to learn of the obstacles teachers face with them seeing as I don’t know much about this topic.  

  • A paragraph about technology implementation issues. Select one of the technology implementation issues listed below. Propose a solution to the selected issue that you could implement in your future classroom. Be specific.

    • Lack of funding is one of the biggest walls for students and schools alike when talking about technology implementation. Lack of funding can be resolved by doing as little as a bake sale or writing to the local governments to get appropriations for their technology needs. I know of many instances of schools going to their state/local capitals to get funding for certain projects and needs they have. If I needed funding for my students I would write letters to the state and my local governments and try to do bake sales for smaller financial needs. 

  • A paragraph about implementing generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) in classrooms. Do you think the generative AI is helping or hurting student learning, or maybe a bit of both? Are there any lingering questions, concerns, or ideas? 

    • I don’t agree with implementing AI in classrooms at all, I think it hinders student learning. I use AI for work emails and templates for my job. Other than that, I don't use it at all. AI is hurting students because they don't have to think about writing papers or your assigned topics. AI can be used as a structural thing perhaps but not as a means of doing assignments and whatnot.

  • A paragraph about the new skills you acquired from working on the Newsletter Design assignment. How could you improve your newsletter in the future? How can the skills you learned from the assignment be used in your future career? Display a screenshot of your newsletter on your blog.

    • I learned how to do a newsletter from scratch, though I learned many new skills I’m not quite sure just how helpful this was. There are many templates that exist out there for teachers to use and I don’t think that the majority of teachers have time to create an entire newsletter from scratch with all the other things they have to do. I think it was a good skill to learn, however I don't see it as practical. I have never seen a newsletter created from scratch before and this was a rather fun assignment to do after working out the kinks.

My Newsletter:


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