Blog #4


  • A paragraph about the ELA technology standards. Select a grade level from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA.  Choose one of the standards listed and describe it in your own words. Do you feel prepared to implement this standard based on your current skill set?  Why or why not?

    • I chose 9-12th grade for the ELA technology standards, the standard I chose was LAFS.1112.RI.3.7. This standard essentially said that it wants students to analyze and integrate different sources of information in different forms of media (paintings, articles, speeches, etc.) to solve a problem or answer a question. I believe that I can implement this standard just fine. History is luckily one of the few subjects that actually have to analyze different media sources as it can be found recorded on practically anything. 

  • A paragraph about one of the resources or tools in the CPALMS Educator Toolkit. To access the Educator Toolkit, select "I am a Florida Teacher" on the CPALMS home page. Scroll down to the "Grade Level Toolkits" section and select a grade level. Then, select a subject area. You will find various resources and tools by subject area. Select one of the standards and see the related resources (e.g., Lesson Plans, Text Resources, Original Student Tutorial). How do you think the resources can be used in your teaching? Note: Some items require a log-in to view the entire tool/resource. If you come across one of these items, you can find the information you need from the "Resource Information" page. You do not need to create an account. 

    • The CPALMS website has an amazing assortment of different resources and materials for teachers to use in their lessons. While it is moderately challenging for me to actually look at these resources, the few I did see were very useful. I liked the quality of the quizzes provided (most online history quizzes are not great), I also liked the vast amount of websites that teachers and students alike can get information from. Overall I did enjoy the quality and the amount of resources I had seen however I wish it was slightly easier for non-teachers to access them. 

  • A paragraph about Internet searching. Why is it important to be a proficient Internet searcher as a teacher? Of the Internet searching skills that were introduced this week, which skill or skills do you think you will use most moving forward? Is there an Internet searching skill you use that was not introduced in the course material this week? If so, please tell us about it.

    • Internet searching is now apart of our everyday lives, we use it for addresses, life questions or even something as simple as the weather. It is always important to be a proficient internet searcher but it is even more important as a teachers. Teachers do not have much time in their day and are on a very tight schedule. Advanced searching is definitely the way to go, this allows us to get the specific answers we need and avoid the useless information.


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