Blog #8

  • A paragraph about your daily use of AI tools. Do you use AI tools? How do you use them? If you don't, why not? Are you motivated to use AI? Do you have any questions about the AI tools?
    • I use AI in the workplace daily, I won't go much into Chat GPT as we will talk about it in the next section. Two AI tools I use frequently are Canva and these help me in my work and personal life. Canva is great to create flyers and even videos for my job as it provides me with many different templates. allows me to create memes for my coworkers and my friends recreationally. 
  • A paragraph about your experience in using ChatGPT. Describe your experience practicing using it (you can copy and paste your prompts and results). What did you learn about AI chatbots? How has your perception of AI maintained or changed after reading the materials in this week's AI module? How might you address the potential risks or challenges regarding AI chatbots with your students?
    • ChatGPT has been amazing in the professional setting! I use it daily at my job to create my social media captions (its much easier to make the catchy captions on there). The AI Bot is very formal unless you ask it to be casual, I love that it can adapt to so many different tones. I want to minimize the use of Chat GPT with students because unfortunately they would use it for less than desireable things. I will implement the best AI detection tools I can or even make them hand write certain assignements to at least make it much more difficult for them to use it.
  • A paragraph about AI tools for productivity. Do you think AI tools can enhance your productivity? Will you use AI tools to improve your productivity? How will you use them to enhance productivity in your teaching job? 
    • AI tools for productivity are amazing, they save so much time that you can put towards other tasks. I think AI tools have already enhanced my productivity vastly, I use it daily at my job for social media purposes and to create emails that go out to clients. Regarding productivity in a teaching sphere it will be helpfull in creating charts, schedules, emails to parents/administration. There are endless possibilities for this in the work place as it allows people to save so much time.


  1. Hi Kristina, I really enjoyed visiting your website! I mocked my classroom after the middle school I attended so I thought that was pretty cool. Your homepage layout was well organized and the title of the website was placed well with the banner so that the letters stood out. The color and theme of the overall website was very muted which is not a bad thing I think the last page having a splash of color was a nice touch. However, I do wish there was more color throughout the website. For some of the headlines on the other pages it is difficult to read. For example the words on the banner for the resource page blend in with the chosen background. I would have like to see a picture of you on the "about me" page. Overall, nice job with the uniformity of the fonts and style.

  2. Hi Kristina! First off, I love that you chose APUSH as your class type for the website. You added a lot of fun images that pertained to the history feel of the classroom, which I appreciated. While I did think your cat was beautiful, I think it would benefit the classroom site for the teacher to have a photo of themself. Additionally, I did find that putting some of the words over the picture-heavy banners made it hard to see what was being said; the Contact Me page was the easiest to read. Overall, I really enjoyed looking at your site :)


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